CRM Portal
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In December 2011,Tata Motors celebrated a unique milestone - its CRMDMS touched the 3000-deployment mark after its first syuccessfull activition in 2004.With close to about 35,000 users active on the system,and about 15,000 analytics users,this is more than a ordinary acheivement.Globally,Tata Motors is today the only automobile company to have deplolyed such a vast system with a network spanning 3,000 locations,and the only company whose close to entire span of key processes are delivered through the application.

Lets us take a look at how it all began.In 2003,a key group of Tata Motors' personnel received a dainting task by the Management.The Business needed to expand,and the management had felt an urgent need to have operational information at their fingertips.The group,comprising some of the best brains in the company,was thus to create a system that would seamlessly interconnect all important nodes in the company's distribution network.

The group set to work at once,immediately procuring the Siebel CRMDMS software.This was to form the backbone of the infosrmation syatem,the CRMDMS, that they had envisioned,creating all key processes of the channel partner,such as sales,services,spares,analytics,claim management,etc.There was add-on too,with integration of the tally accounting software to enable accounting to reap benefits as well.The system all configured,it was time to deploy and test the new baby.In 2004,Tata Motors activated the CRM system.The Success of the new system depended also on adequate training, and ample time was spent to ensure accurate operations.

Today,after seven years,the CRMDMS has gone to the length and breadth of the country,reaching out to almost all Tata Motors dealers,workshops and distributors.Sustenance and regular training programmes have also been provided to the channel partners,so that they continue to use and benefit from the application.

CRMDMS has enhanced all the processes of sales,service and spare parts businesses of Tata Motors.This has helped in easy tracking of various metrices related to the processes.Some of the highlights for this year were :
1) Creation of 30 Lakh opportunities with 3 Lakh being generated through alternate channles like call centers,portals, etc. 2) Generation of 1 Crore job cards in a year by the CVBU and PCBU workshops. 3) Support to campaigns with around 20 Laks SMSes sent every month.

Additional benefits derived from this are :
1) Ready availability of data for management analysis and strategising. 2) Support to channel partners witgh a repository of all possible data,helping them with systematic tracking of all opportunities(created,lost or booked),activities to be done against on opportunity,service history of all vehicles serviced,customer contracts,etc. 3) Enabling users to raise support requests for any issue they may face using the application.There are around 10,000 support requests being raised by the users every month which is resolved by a dedicated team of support executives. 4) HElping the call centre take customer relationship management towards the Delight Quadrant.Call Center provides various services to the end customers and channel name a few: Inbound Customer Care Services,General Inquiry Desk,Lead management,Complaints Management through follow up,24*7 Breakdown,CRMDMS Application Support,Channel Partner helpline,etc.Equipped with all such functionalities,Tata Motors plans to delight the end customer and acheive a better customer satisfaction score.

CThe journney towards acheiving the 3000-milestones has been fraught with challenges.The CRMDMS project team promoises that the journey ahead will be equally exciting,making the application a state-of-the-art system ready with additional functionalities and features to enabel channel partners and Tata Motors to derive major and vital decision-making inputs from the system.